Sunday, February 7, 2010

Wings and Things

Just read in our local paper chicken wing prices are soaring.  Up to $2.11 per pound over the $1.50 from last year.  From what I've seen, it looks like the trend will continue until the cardiologists go on Oprah and let us know they aren't so good for us.  So here's my prediction.  Wings will become a commodity and traded on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange.  Imagine, those delectable little pieces of gold being traded right along side of all those traditional farm products such as wheat, soy and pork bellies.  Pork bellies?  eeewww!  Anyways, to give you a peek into the future of the Wing market, I've assembled some graphs, charts and photos you'll be seeing in your Sunday papers sometime in the near future.  You'll note that they will begin to sell wings by the barrel instead of by the case, that's how valuable these babies will become.  Who would have ever imagined those once rejected appendages would become the most prized part of the bird.  I'm partial to right wings myself. 

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