Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Intelligent Design

I like following the ongoing debate between the ID'ers and staunch Neo-Darwinists.  On the one hand, are the Mr Obviouses with the pictures and video clips and on the other are the Evolution-is-a-fact-and-dont-bother-me-with-the-evidence establishment that owns our government, museums, public education, media, the Catholic church, your local grocery store and any hope you may have of dignity as a human.  It's a fascinating study in human nature, especially on the side of the evolutionists who have become very sensitive to say the least of any scrutiny of their bully pulpit.  It's a win at any cost of intellectual capital war for the Neo-Ds it seems.  To see all those little molecules lining up like little soldiers to do their jobs in the animated clip of cellular processes the "other side" has come up with makes it so obvious that there is something more than blind natural selection/random mutation going on here.  It has to be embarrassing trying to defend the argument that the molecular electric motor found in the flagellum of bacteria is just a product of chance.  There is a mountain of evidence on the ID side of purposeful design found in all life and the only snobbish argument the Neos can come up with is a "faulty" design feature they occasionally find in animal life.  They seem to take great pleasure poking fun at the straw-man god they imagine 98% of us believe in.  I am always amazed at the ignorant statements coming from these followers of the Bearded-Man-who-thought-cells-were-blobs-of-protoplasm, like "man will surpass the design found in nature someday".  We have barely scratched the surface of the micro and macro creation we live in and they make these incredibly stupid remarks.  Here is a prediction.  Not too far in the future it will be discovered that rather than random mutation being the mechanism whereby positive change is invoked in biological systems, smart molecules have been programmed to monitor the environment and make changes accordingly.  There will be found an anticipatory nature in molecular biology that cannot be explained away by the throwing of Darwinian dice.  Now that's what we all know as Intelligence.


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